A recommendation for people who wants to learn very fast or advance speakers.

If you want learn very quickly . learn grammar , or Advance very fast I would recommend you to use a software that teaches Spanish. I've found one software which is very useful .Rocket Spanish
Its just a recommendation you can use any other sofware you want.I learnt Spanish using the above software. I'll also be covering some of the basic lessons and I will get you to a level which you can communticate with others.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


If you want to learn spanish fast and very easily by far the best method to learn is using Rocket Spanish.

You can download it from here.

Rocket spanish has deviated from the traditional books and is actually a software which teaches you how to speak the language.

It has many feature like :

Audio and video lessons
Culture lessons
Progress tracking
Conversation practise
And you can also test yourself by using games and online quizzes.

I have also posted some basic lessons to get you started.

Rocket products are also available for these languages:

French:Get it here
Chinese:Get it here
German:Get it here
Japanese:Get it here
Italian:Get it here

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The basic greetings

First you would want to learn how to greet in spanish.
Here are the basic greetings

Hello or Hi

Hello on on the telephone
Hola, aló, jaló, bueno, al, diga

An alternative word is chau(sometimes spelled ciao, from Italian).

How are you?
Cómo estás? - With a person you know on a first name or a child
Cómo está? - In other situations.

Thank you
Gracias - Thank you
Muy bien, gracias - Very wel,Thank you

Good day / Good morning
Buenos días
buen día - Shortened form

Good afternoon
Buenas tardes

Good night
Buenas noches

Whats happening
Qué pasa?

What's your name?
Cómo te llamas- To a child or a person with equal social status

If your not sure what to use use [Cómo se llama usted]

My name is (name)
Me llamo (name)

It's a pleasure to meet you
Mucho gusto. Encantado-If your male
Mucho gusto. Encantada-If your female

Bienvenido-With a man
Bienvenida-With a woman
Bienvenidos-With a group of females
bienvenidas-With maled or a mixed group

So thats it for greetings. Hope you understood. Keep any comments. And in the next post ill teach you how to count number from Spanish.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

How to count from spanish

This is how you count from spanish.

0 .. cero
1 .. uno
2 .. dos
3 .. tres
4 .. cuatro
5 .. cinco
6 .. seis
7 .. siete
8 .. ocho
9 .. nueve
10 .. diez
11 .. once
12 .. doce
13 .. trece
14 .. catorce
15 .. quince
16 .. dieciséis
17 .. diecisiete
18 .. dieciocho
19 .. diecinueve
20 ... veinte
30 ... treinta
40 ... cuarenta
50 ... cincuenta
60 ... sesenta
70 ... setenta
80 ... ochenta
90 ... noventa
100 .. cien (ciento)

21, 22, 23, = veintiuno, veintidós, veintitres, etc.
veinte y uno where the 'y' (and) is replaced by an 'i'.

31, 32, 33, etc. = treinta y uno, treinta y dos, treinta y trés, etc.
where the 'y' remains as a separate word.

cien is used for exactly 100.
cien libros = one hundred books

ciento is used for numbers 101-199.
ciento cinco, cien mil = 105, 100,000.

una, cienta are feminine forms of uno and ciento
and must be used with feminine nouns.
setenta y una casas = 71 houses.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Personal pronouns

Before learning verbs or other nouns we should learn personal pronouns which are widely used when speaking.

Yo - I
- You (informal)
él - He
ella - She
Usted - You (formal)

nosotros (Male) -we
nosotras (Female) -we

vosotros (male)-you all
vosotras (female)-you all

ellos - he (plural)
ellas- she (plural)

Ustedes- they (formal)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Basics to verbs

Verbs are a very important part of all languages.As you all know a verb is a doing word.If we take the verb speak , there is a difference between speak and he speaks.And there are different ways of expressing she speaks and they speak.

In almost all verbs end with




Verbs ending with ar

We use the verb

Yo estadio español - I study Spanish

Tú estadias francés? - You study French (informal)

Usted estadia francés? - You study French (formal)

Nosotros estadiamos español muy bien - We study spanish very well

Vosotros estadiáis inglés? - You all study English

Ellos estadian inglés - They study English

Below shows how the changes happen

Yo (I) - Estadio

Tu (you informal) - estadias

El(he) ., elle(she) , usted (you formal) - estadia

Nostros (we) - estadiamos

Vosotros (you all) - estadiais

Ellos (They) - estadian

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Verbs Part 2

Verbs with ER

Just like ar verbs you have to change the last part of the verb.

we will be using the verb
beber (drink)

Yo - Bebo

Tu - Bebes

El, ella, Usted - Bebe

Nosotros - Bebemos

Vosotros - Bebeis

Ellos, ellas, Ustedes - Beben

Verbs with IR

We will be using the verb Abrir (open)

Yo - Abro

Tu - Abres

El, ella, Usted - Abre

Nosotros - Abrimos

Vosotros - Abris

Ellos, ellas, Ustedes - Abren

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Rocket Spanish

Hope these basics have helped you even a bit. For full lessons get Rocket Spanish